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Resident Return Visa & Citizenship

Dojo Legal can assist highly skilled and talented individuals in target industries to migrate permanently to Australia.

citizenship australia visa - Dojo Legal Lawyer Sydney

Resident Return - Subclasses 155 & 157 Visa

The Resident Return visa allows permanent residents of Australia to return to Australia after travelling overseas. A permanent resident visa allows the visa holder to remain in Australia indefinitely, and to travel to Australia from overseas for up to five years from the date that the visa was granted. Following this, the permanent resident is required to obtain a Resident Return visa if they wish to return to Australia after a period of overseas travel.

Australian Citizenship by Conferral Visa

Australian citizenship may be conferred upon permanent residents of Australia who have resided in Australia for the required period of time, and meet all other criteria. Those who have been conferred citizenship have the same rights and privileges as any other Australian citizen, including the right to vote, to work for the Australian Public Service or Defence Force, and to obtain and use an Australian passport. Citizens by conferral are also subject to the same responsibilities as other Australian citizens, including the responsibility to serve on a jury and to defend Australia should the need arise.

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